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Body Sculpting FAQ

LMB Aesthetics Body Treatments

At LMB Aesthetics we use a variety of the latest technology in body sculpting to reduce stubborn fat areas, along with the visibility of stretch marks, actively regenerating collagen in the skin for a firm tighter more youthful look.


Our Body Sculpting treatments are perfect ALL, including mommies, and men looking to firm their mid-section.


LMB Aesthetics Body Sculpting uses the most effective, non-surgical, procedures that are clinically proven to target and reduce problem areas on the body with no downtime. Even stubborn areas, such as cellulite, that are resistant to diet and exercise don’t stand a chance against this breakthrough radio frequency (RF) technology and laser treatments our facility utilizes to help you reach your body goals.


How Does Laser Lipo & Cavitation Work?


Our services, including Velashape uses a (RF) energy-based procedure that delivers controlled, yet comfortable, doses of therapeutic heat to a chosen target zone. Radio frequency (RF) is a type of energy, delivered by heat, that passes through even the natural resistance of fatty tissue. In doing so, it deliberately causes a small amount of damage to the fat cells where the various applicators are applied. The body then detoxes “cleans out” and removes the injured contents of the fat cells by a mechanism called apoptosis. The best way to explain apoptosis is to realize that the body naturally cleanses our body all the time. There is significant turnover of cells in our liver, skin and bowels. We don’t grow new fat cells (unlike the liver or skin) after puberty so once the injured fat calls are removed by apoptosis they are gone for good.  


What Areas Can Be Treated?


Body Contouring is designed to treat multiple areas of the body such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, back, arms and buttocks, the possibilities are endless. Even say goodbye to turkey neck. Different size treatment heads can accommodate small areas such as under the chin, even saggy flabby arms.


How Many Treatments Are Needed & Do Results Last?


Most people see results the first day with continued improved results in three days. A minimum of 4 - 12 treatments is essentially is about the look of six months worth of dieting and exercising.


With continued proper maintenance, most people will have long lasting significant results.


Achieve ABS With A Little Extra Help "EMSCULPT"











Current non-invasive body shaping therapies address fat and skin. The Emsulpt is one of the only procedures to help both men and women build muscle and sculpt their body. Unlike most current non-invasive body shaping therapies that address fat and skin, the Emsculpt helps to alleviate pinchable fat AND improve the tone and shape of one’s stomach. In addition, the Emsculpt creates the world’s first non-invasive buttock toning procedure.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Emsculpt?


Patients who want to build muscle and burn fat on their abdomen or buttocks can benefit from the Emsculpt. Patients with a BMI of 25% or less are the best candidates. Call our office to schedule a consultation for more information.





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